
Treatments for patients' well-being

Knowledge and techniques for the CHIVA hemodynamic conservative treatment of varicose veins.

vene-homeVaricose veins are the symptom of a blood circulation dysfunction.

They are a very frequent pathology that especially affects women’s health.

The importance of the circulatory system to the health of any person requires us to deal with these pathologies with therapies that aim to employ the best techniques in order to recover the natural circulatory system, avoiding destructive therapies like stripping, laser, sclerotherapy injection in the saphenous vein, foam, radiofrequency, etc.

Dr Claude Franceschi, with his studies over the last thirty years, has developed and created protocols for the new surgical Chiva therapy that deal with the problems of the venous dysfunction in a conservative and efficient way. method has remarkable advantages such as:

  • - The preservation of the natural blood circulation;
  • - The preservation of the saphenous vein;
  • - A minimally invasive outpatient operation performed with local anesthesia;
  • - A fast post-operative recovery;
  • - A reduced number of relapses.
Dr Roberto Delfrate has been involved in hemodynamics for more than fifteen years. Since 2007 he has been in charge of the Surgery Operative Unit at the Figlie di San Camillo Clinic in Cremona where he continues to practice the therapeutic Chiva strategy. By September 30th 2014, 3,614 Chiva surgical operations were performed with the collaboration of Dr Massimo Bricchi

Delfrate-e-BricchiThanks to his great experience and the close collaboration with his friend Dr Claude Franceschi, has been teaching and spreading his knowledge of the principles of CHIVA hemodynamic diagnostics and surgery for years.

Dr Roberto Delfrate has written some particularly clear and practical books to better the understanding of the CHIVA hemodynamic technique and its advantages. He is also the author of several scientific articles.

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  • Grazie

    Il corso di Cremona è sicuramente il più importante tra quelli a cui ho partecipato (e sono tanti). Grazie di nuovo

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    Dott. Capriotti Ivano
    Val Vibrata Dir. Med. Chirurgia Generale , Asl Teramo P.O.
  • Grande Innovazione

    Cara Lorena, penso che la grande innovazione del vostro lavoro consista nell’essere riusciti a trasmettere concetti fondamentali, dimenticati ...

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    Dott.Laganà Salvatore
    spec. in Chirurgia Az. Osp. Desenzano del Garda dir. San. Associazione Nazionale Carabinieri provincia di Brescia
  • Terapia Emodinamica

    Ho frequentato anch'io il corso di 4 giorni sulla Terapia EMODINAMICA . Pratico la terapia EMODINAMICA dal 1999...

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    Dott. Nardi Andrea
    Responsabile di U.O.S. di Chirurgia Vascolare Ospedale Civile di Conegliano ( TV )

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