

Intended for health care providers and consultants from all over the world.

Turning a treatment reality and venous haemodynamic research and culture into a scientific centre of information: this is the aim of the project

It provides a unique access service to innovative cultural and technological resources in order to recognize and anticipate the evolution of haemodynamics, while also focusing activities on the patient’s needs.

Intended for gynaecologists, cardiologists, heart surgeons, general surgeons, dermatologists and veneorologists, heamatologistcs, endocrinologists, gastroenetrologists, geriatrics, experts in metabolic diseases and diabetes, ER doctors and surgeons, sports doctors, paediatricians, thoracic surgeons, vascular surgeons, rheumatologists, orthopaedics and traumatologists, vets.

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Via Maffei, 72 - 38064 Folgaria TN
Phone: +39 348 7691268
P.Iva 02282610225

Lorena Dioni Editore

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